letter for parents 5/3/2021


Dear Parents

This letter will give you more information regarding the return of all children on the 8th March.

We have reviewed our Risk Assessment and operational plan in the hope of further reducing the risk of spreading the Covid -19 virus and protecting staff, children and yourselves.

One of the main changes is that we will be teaching children in three bubbles (Playgroup and two Nursery bubbles). Children will remain for a week in one area with their class and the same staff, the following week the class will move to a different area and remain there for a week. Playgroup will remain in their own area each week.

Each bubble will not mix at all, meaning that if there is a case of Covid then only that bubble will need to isolate and not the whole school.

Our full Risk Assessment will be available on the website from Friday 5th March.

There are the changes that you must follow to help us all remain safe.

-Do not bring your child in if they are displaying symptoms or if anyone they have come into contact with has the virus or symptoms and is awaiting a test.

-Wear a mask when dropping and picking your child up from Nursery (unless you are exempt).

-Use the hand sanitiser for yourself and your child at the nursery rainbow gate entrance.

-Use the one way system. Playgroup parents will now be using a one way system and will enter through the woodland garden (please supervise children with pond) and then carry on walking through the Nursery playground and out the large gate to the car park. Do not leave via the rainbow single entrance gate.

-Adults and children MUST socially distance in the queue, use the footprints as a guide. Please do not allow children from different classes to play together before or after Nursery as this could lead to a whole school closure again.

-If you are not wearing a mask then you should remain 2 metres away from staff at the porch – there will be a line marking this.

-To enable a contactless handover ensure your child is able to carry their own coat and packed lunch in. If your child does require nappies then they can bring in sufficient for that day in a bag they can carry.

-Children must not bring in any other items from home e.g. toys, blankets, bags that they don’t need.

-Please note a change in times for Red, Green and Blue class, we ask that you continue to arrive at the right time      to drop off and pick up your child.

Times are:

    • Blue 8.50 -11.40am

    • Red 8.55- 11.45 / 2.45

    • Green 9.10 – 11.55 / 2.55

    • Playgroup 9-11.50/2.50 or 12.30-3.20


      These times will be reviewed after the week of 8th March and may be changed.

If you miss your child’s time for coming in you will not be able to leave your child with another bubble. If this happens you will have to wait till after all the children are in. If this is the case please phone school on 0191 2774180 and you will be given a time slot which does not impact on other bubble times.

When it is your time slot please ring the bell at the porch door and someone will come and collect your child. Do not enter the porch.

We are aware that some children are picked up early – you will need to arrange a time for this as it cannot coincide with the departure times of other bubbles.

It is importance that you share this information with anyone else who drops off or picks up your child.


We are not having any school meals at the moment so if your child stays for lunch they need to bring a packed lunch.


We are asking that you try to keep to the same pattern of attendance and if you want to make a change please try and give Nursery two weeks notice.


If you are paying any money in please put it in a named envelope, Mrs Dodds will then send out a receipt/change to you that day or the next.


Finally, we are really looking forward to seeing all of the children again and enjoying the Spring and Summer term.


Many thanks for your co-operation,





               Kay Mills                

               Co-Headteacher Newcastle Nursery Schools Federation